Dear Sir,
There are main issues we need to discuss when we meet on Monday.
It is clear we cannont go on anymore. We have lost a fortune over the last year and are surviving on paper at present. The following options seem open.
1. S buys our stake
This would be the most attractive option to us as it would alleviate our financial problems and let us climb out of the debt hole we are in right now.
2. We buy Ss stake
This would be the least attractive option to us as we cannot pay anything now, but can only promise future revenues. However, this does gives us an incentive to keep up the fight and beg/borrow more money to continue the struggle.
3. S still maintains a token stake and sells the balance to us
This would be a modified version of option 2. We'd still have your backing and expertise to fall back on, but the ownership of the major chunk of stock will atleast give us a cause to battle on.
4. A Third party buys the company
Like what NIIT did for Egurucool, it would be nice if you can locate a third party. This would be a modified version of option 1 and an course we'd love to take to get out of our present financial troubles.
If none of the above happens, I guess thge company would just wither and die. If none of the above happens, I guess the company would just wither and die. In that case, I'd request you to relieve me and Ramesh of our obligations immediately so that we can concentrate on picking up what's left of our careers.I seek your help in being proactive and ensuring one of these four options are chosen.
Thanks for all your support. It is unfortunate we were not able to make the business succeed for you.
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Hi ****,
Tis an year since we went around with our prestige in tatters, begging for a handout from SSR.
I've managed to keep my part of the bargain. Keeping u insulated from the day to day financial problems and keep the company afloat for the past year.
U've had a string of bad breaks as nothing much happened because of your year's work. I'm not blaming u for is just sad the bet did not come off.
But yes. Guess u need to do some soul searching and list down a different action plan and get us a break.
What worries me is.. we still are precariously balanced. A couple of bad months might paralyse us.
U are our trump card. I hope it gives us a winning hand.
whaddaya say ? When are we going to redeem our tryst with destiny? Or do we have one scheduled yet ? :o)