Friday, May 28, 2004

Fast work works !

Customer asks for a quote ... we give him a full proto and this thrills the client.

Hi Ramki

I was in the middle of drafting a long note to you! Here's how things stand.

First I must say thank you for your prompt and impressive response on both CD projects - and for the mockups, which are very helpful in showing your understanding of what currently lives only in my head!

And finally - your prototypes. Detailed feedback will follow, but in broad terms:

i) they were very helpful in showing my colleagues how things might work (people who always find my specs unreadable!)

ii) they were very helpful in showing your understanding of the spec. (bits I thought you wouldn't "get" seemed to be no problem, some other parts require clarification on our part. Very encouraging.)

iii) finally they showed that you can deliver and can do it quickly!

I was and remain impressed and feel confident that you can deliver these products for us.

My feeling off the record is that I would automatically want to give CD3 development to yourselves as well.

More soon!

Ramesh replies to my mail below....

Have you seriously thought of a profession out of this? It's a pity if all this talent doesnt have an economic angle too!

Let's replace coconut milk with an onion/tomato paste.. much more spicy.. coconut milk softens every other flavour and makes it kinda sweet. Letz make it a bit exotic too. I can spare a timbleful of rum from my bottle. So it's going to be Marwari and exotic too!

And your world recipe link talked about an egg in the Naan? I didnt know this! Letz see how it comes out w/o an egg.

Can I bring along PVR ? We were planning to meet up over the weekend.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ramki
To: Ramesh Babu
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: Beer and Dinner : You are invited

Okie Great....

Will infact offer you a selection of Naans-- which you can personally bake . Baking your first bread would be an experience you're likely to remember forever !

Here's what you have chosen :

Goan Mixed Vegetable Curry
.. is nothing but veggies cooked in coconut milk.


Base : chopped mixed vegetables (Baby corn, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, french beans, onions, green peas)

ginger, garlic, Chillies, salt

Coconut milk+ water

Scald ginger/garlic/onions in butter, dump veggies, add coconut milk + water.

Cook a while and remove once you like the taste.

That's it !

The goan part comes from the coconut milk. By substituting coconut milk with the stuff below, you change the pedigree of the recipe. ( Remember- coastal regions round the world are heavy users of coconut in various forms). All cuisine have evolved from what was easily available in the region.

Let's see the variations
Replacing coconut milk with

Cream makes it North Indian - ( Gangetic plain- Aryans- Cows- Cream)
Tamarind water makes it chettinad - ( Tamarind trees by roadside)
Coconut oil makes it Keralite ( Coconut trees again )
grated coconut + seerakam + coconut oil makes it Aviyal ( Another KEralite dish)
Ground coconut + seerakam + Chillies makes it tamilian kootu
onion+ tomato paste makes it marwari
plain water makes it international
Soy sauce makes it chinese
Wine makes it French ( Easy to get wine than most other stuff..)
Beer makes it meditteranean ( Same reason as above)
Rum/Brandy makes it exotic
Olive oil makes it Italian ( They even drink olive oil straight )
Cocacola makes it wacky

If you notice basic veggies are universal. It is the spices and cooking medium which changes the parentage of a recipe. Once you have learnt this, you've mastered a whole chain of recipes.
So which do you prefer ? Feel free to play around with the veggies ..

Soup is bloody easy- u can cook a couple of variations yourself...

It is a pity some people do not venture beyond southie recipes... my my what a great selection exists !